1.6.1 display system colors Additive
color in Additive system consists of the primaries 3 color is red (Red), green (Green), blue (Blue) call together. RGB or mother color color with the publication 1.6.2
.Color system used with printing include blue (Cyan), magenta (Magenta) and yellow (Yellow) is a system CMYK
1. 6.3 color (Color)
.The white light from natural or light from the sun caused by mixing colors colors are red, green and blue, which like the color appears on the computer screen. If the digital images made from computer to the printer, such as a book., colorful will differ because the print used primary colors, ANN, magenta and yellow (CMYK), which mix will then be black. The color space appeared different of mini computer can show color maximum 16.7 million colors, the less people can see two eyes It is printed in color. "Ten thousand
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