History of the first typewriter typewriter
a registration card when in English2237 in England by engineer named Henry mill under the name Writig Machine then Mr. William Austin เบิท American artificial stationery books use the name Typographer a rectangular wooden all
BC2376 French Progin artificial stationery books for blind called Ktypographic machine contains a total of key when knocked down on the key will be normal characters hit to the center.
the 2416 has produced a standard typewriter to market in the United States. A typewriter in successful selling only 4-5 brand is the Royal Remington IBM Smith corona and Underwood
.The European inventor do typewriter released many brands, such as in Germany, มีโอลิม PIA Adler ob estima free Italian. Olivier Witte in Holland. "Mace, etc. in
.Mr Edwin McFarland private secretary of King pharmaceuticals damrong rajanubhab. The กระทรวงธรรมการ travel to the United States. A concept to adapt to English language typewriter typewriterTo use the typewriter with key more than other types. Finally choose brand Smith free Mir
in 1990.2438 Mr. Edwin McFarland's death, but while sick had assigned doctor George B. McFarland (พระอาจวิทยาคม) brother find ways to adjust Spread widely and Thai typewriter. พระอาจวิทยาคม.There are people and government officials who go to the dentist see and get many government advice later various's order). You have ordered the factory Smith free Mir in the United States is a manufacturer and arrived in the first version.)Professor 2440
in 2002.2467 พระอาจวิทยาคม. The research and consulting to the company 2 people you d & D and you very glorious (Kim Heng) เกษมณี by you happiness. Much family as design engineer letters. You golden Gospel (Kim Heng).Acting academic, take 7 years put the key new success and that the most appropriate in B.Professor 2474 can be printed clearly as possible and as quickly as possible to name it. "เกษมณี" and used to present this
.Later, with the researcher found that a เกษมณี typewriter. There are defects and put the key. Use the name "ปัตตะโชติ" and the National Research Council, check that the model ปัตตะโชติ typewriter.25.8% during the year2508 - 2516 field typewriters confusing. The cabinet voted to government budget for purchasing the typewriter printer good Thai ปัตตะโชติ after a day 16 October 2516.
.At present, the typewriter has been developed to progress with modern technology, can type faster, lightweight, because use electric and computer system can store various data. the
.The size of the print, a
printer. The type of printer
size print used are generally have 3 size is
1. Big letters, called "pica"?
2.? Small letters are called "elite"
3 characters IBM letters small
.A printer
to put the key? As a symbol of a printer. เครตื Wong typing English has developed
placing keys อักษรมา and printer 2 is a
1.? A เกษมณี as letter keys is the home of,,,,,, won
2.A ปัตตะโชติ character keys home is,,,,,,, J
types of printers can be divided 2 type
1. Typewriter is Thai all
2.? Machine type with Thai อักษรอังกฤษ
typewriters were noted all have 2 A
2. Electric typewriter with both Thai and English, in the same machine has a 1 2
2 golf ball. The gear rotate.
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