Northern food consists of sticky rice is the main food. With a sweet chili sauce, chili sauce, such as the type of young, there are many types, such as curry Curry immaculately ho stew cat. There is also a Thai spicy sausage fried pork and vegetables due to the narrow, it is important that makes northern folk food different from other sectors, that is, where the cold is the reason there are a lot of fat, most of the dishes, such as chili sauce to Thai spicy sausage stew immaculately hangle sketch sur kayopun.Lost to the living in the Valley and on the Woods so top leading close to the plants in the food, such as vegetables, forest cat Bon yuak bananas. Sweet vegetables caused local diet Names such as curry Curry Curry banana Bon food cache folk yuak North with special blend of culture, eating from a collision, such as groups, Shan, China, Lü Hong, and native people. The northern plain, through local action to adapt both the taste and the raw materials from various groups and folk from a deck of Northern foods created a reputation as a respected both in Thailand and foreigners.
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