Abstract Butter baked corn's project four comrades, this is the best movie of the academic career and technology. Make it so that students and students who are interested in making a career trading had come to do research studies. Baked corn and butter, which is sweet, aromatic and delicious snacks can bring knowledge to use in everyday life as well.Corn is a grass roots, pumpkin temporarily called phairi has many benefits. Easy to find on the market. Group ngahen, so that the Lake should the processing maize produces interesting and will buy more. Group has prepared this project up. Michael medicine publishing Butter baked corn project's four companions were developed as a training experience in running a professional trading. Can lead to a career as a supplement between students. Have revenue and save security cover by pressing the cover of e by obtaining cooperation from you teacher. SOM tunwaporn° Thai might want to thank all our friends, teachers, students, and everyone has to cooperate in order to make about the content knowledge. Chapter 1Introduction And the importance of the project Because corn is a vegetable that is easy to find in the community with the nutrients and beneficial to many bodies we take maize from agriculture and processing corn butter baked products that can be eaten easily, cheap and delicious. Not too expensive. Objectives. 1. to make a career of experience in trading.2. career guidance in the future.3. be able to apply the knowledge and experience to use in the future and daily life properly. Hypothesis of the study. Can be processed from corn as a food that could be eaten easily and tastes the sweet fragrance of eating more. The scope of the study. At suankularb wittayalai school 2 building in front of Sara. The benefits expected to be received 1. have knowledge of the subject to make corn chips and butter.2. practice patience, and customer service.3. have experience in trading and profits. Chapter 2 The documents and the related theory Corn The scientific name is corn, sea me (Zea mays) is a plant in the same family of grass with an average of 2.2 meters tall trunk diameter of 0.5-2.0-inch stems have unearthed the remains of corn and corn-the nearest river in New Mexico (South American) and now widely grown popular in America, Canada was able to grow in a very different climate as major food sources of animals because animals can be both leaf and seed. A type of corn. In General, the corn supply into 5 groups:๑. ข้าวโพดเลี้ยงสัตว์หรือข้าวโพดไร่ (Field Corn) ที่รู้จักในปัจจุบันเช่นข้าวโพดหัวบุ๋ม (Dent Coorn) และข้าวโพดหัวแข็ง (Fint Corn) ซึ่งเป็นการเรียกตามลักษณะเมล็ดข้าวโพดหัวบุ๋มหรือหัวบุบ ข้าวโพดชนิดนี้เมื่อเมล็ดแห้งแล้วตรงส่วนหัวบนสุดจะมีรอยบุ๋มลงไป ซึ่งเป็นส่วนของแป้งสีขาว ข้าวโพดชนิดนี้สำคัญมากและนิยมปลูกกันมากใน ประเทศสหรัฐอเมริกา โดยเฉพาะทางแถบคอร์นเบลท์ สีของเมล็ดมีตั้งแต่ขาวไปจนถึงเหลือง๒. ข้าวโพดหวาน (Sweet Corn) เป็นข้าวโพดที่คนใช้รับประทาน ไม่มีการแปรรูป เมล็ดมักจะใสและเหี่ยวเมื่อแก่เต็มที่ เพราะมีน้ำตาลมาก ก่อนที่จะสุกจะมีรสหวานมากกว่าชนิดอื่น ๆ มีหลายสายพันธุ์3. popcorn (Pop Corn) is a corn that people used to eat. There are no seed processing is quite good, solid colors and different sizes for different countries. If the seeds are called Cape style corn (Corn Rice) if grain corn is also known as the round Pearl (Pearl Corn)4. corn starch (Corn Flour), there are several different types of colors, such as white beans, (little yellow khun or contamination) or dark blue or dark blue and white, all in the same pod, since mutations. They have a dark colored seed and their mutations, called Indian corn (Squaw Corn) or known as corn varieties, native (Native Corn) this dark colored corn, they will have a higher clock, there's a scene of white flour, corn.5. corn candles (Waxy Corn) is a corn that people use to eat the dough is soft and sticky, which is unique. Because the dough contains wheat flour in them at mami-pekti logistics (Amylopectin), corn starch, the other part lot mami (Amylose) built by the relatively stronger flour. Benefits of corn In addition to rice, as well as the main food we eat everyday. Everyone has a sweet taste and it's corn, which is a plant that has been used to benefit almost every section which only the seeds how to eat, it will actually recruit assorted. Whether it be deep fried or topped with butter, Grill Cook to take advantage of the present variables, such as corn starch, milk powder, sugar, whiskey, beer, alcohol, SOAP, cleaner cosmetics syrup. Sweet water and margarine mayonnaise dressing, etc.One thing that makes the corn grains is popular from processing food, because it is a high power plants because it contains carbohydrates is the main component is protein, fat, minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins, much more useful in a beta carotene. E which are antioxidants slow down the degeneration of the cell c, and San Lu nathin as prices rose to hit North also helps prevent eye degeneration.Best benefits the other side probably becomes a medical indication of ancient man discovered and widely applied, for example, its seeds are used to nourish the body. Heart, lungs and urine powered grinding body heal wounds. In addition to the drinking water comes to boil corn-fix twist. Diarrhea and urine expelled from sweet corn, fresh taste of silk roots boiled to remove water powered by urine.สารอาหารในเมล็ดข้าวโพด ๑๐๐ กรัมนั้น ประกอบด้วยคาร์โบไฮเดรต ๘.๒ กรัม โปรตีน ๑๑.๑ กรัม เกลือแร่ ๑.๗ กรัม ไขมัน ๔.๙ กรัม และเส้นไยหยาบอีก ๒.๑ กรัม แนะซักนิด สำหรับผู้ที่ชอบการรับประทานข้าวโพดเป็นชีวิตจิตใจว่า หากจะรับประทานข้าวโพดเมื่อใดก็ควรล้างน้ำเปล่าให้สะอาดเสียก่อน หากซื้อจากร้านค้าก็ควรเลือกชนิดที่ไม่ฟอกหรือขัดมากจนเกินไป เพราะจะเสียคุณค่าทางอาหาร และอาจมีสารขัดสีตกค้างเป็นของแถม โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งผลิตภัณฑ์แปรรูปต่างๆ ที่ควรเลือกแต่สินค้าที่ได้มาตรฐานและได้รับการรับรองแล้วเท่านั้นข้าวโพดสามารถส่งเสริมการย่อยสลายพีเอเอชที่ปน
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