Forecasting the impact of EHS in an overview based on the reduction of tariff rates and discount.Non-tax measures between Thailand and India's under the framework of the tariff reduction acceleration that results.Forecasts are as follows:From India to determine tax rate store from Thailand's imports before making EHS found.The average rate of 24.6%, while the import tax rate that is average storage from India Thailand just 9.4 per cent to.See that India import tariff rate of storage at higher than Thailand; Therefore, After the tax rate reductionEHS 82 goods imported in a Expected Thailand's total export value of these products in the market.India is expected to increase as a result of.1. the tax rate reduction) to import goods from India Thailand according to the obligations under the EHS Thailand-India.2 India market as market characteristics), the largest with a population of more than 1000 million people (in this number is.The population of intermediate to high levels of purchasing power, about 300 million people).3) potential of India as a gateway to trade to countries in South Asia, most of the.The economic dependency of trade investments with IndiaIndia is a country where there are 4), abundant resources, making EHS Thailand-India and therefore support,Thailand Tycoon can import cheap and quality raw materials from India, such as jewellery, brooches, jewellery, mineral.Metal, scrap metal and chemicals, some of which will help reduce the cost and increase the competitiveness level.Entrepreneurs, Thailand5) to make India its EHS Thailand-a critical opportunity for the Thailand and India was negotiating to resolve the.Problems and reduce trade barriers between each other, especially in the case of India with the complexity.The rules/laws, tax system. Customs brokerage The format of the politics business.Province/regions, which makes it a threat to Thailand's exports to India.Forecast impact overview above is consistent with the trade between Thailand and India that occurred.In item 82.
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