General information of borunai countries.1. borunai's climate is quite damp heat. Rain all year round average temperature 28-32° c.2. borunai's time zone is GMT + 8 is much faster than 1 hour Thai time.3. the national language of Malay-language borunai, but nationals of Brunei, in English as well.4. Islam is the national religion of borunai (new single's body)5. borunai, which has a population of four hundred men, 67 percent are Muslims.6. borunai using currency Brunei dollar (Brunei Dollar) exchange rate is approximately 1.24 per Brunei dollar 1 us dollar or approximately 24-25 baht per 1 Brunei dollar, all this borunai there is a currency exchange agreement with Singapore. Singapore dollar to Brunei dollar value and can be used instead of each other.7. calling code – country of borunai is + 673.8. borunai using 220-240 volt outlet is an outlet 3 legs (English)9. water supply in borunai cannot be used to drink.10. borunai emergency phone number: 991 993 ambulance, police, fire. Rescue 995 99811. There are borunai many public buses, but the number of car trips are not very. Brunei dollar 1 flight fares throughout the chain12. borunai a taxi for use in cities by travel service is quite expensive (approximately 20 flight-50 Brunei dollar, depending on the distance) and not have to call the streets only.
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