Global warming and the need to use electric power soared in the past from time to time. Make solar energy, which is one of the cleanest renewable energy gets the attention from various countries. And implemented more widely With the current growth rate of the country's economic sectors, various branches of the Thai rising continuously. Whether it's industrial side. Trades, transport, agriculture, and residential homes. Resulted in a continuous increase in energy is electricity in the new Palace in the format of solo la farm to support domestic electricity in Thai. Because in a country with no shortage of electricity in this research study focuses on the effectiveness of mosquito nets, electricity from solar farm in summer and winter, with the difference in the climate factor on the side of light intensity, temperature and other environmental conditions during the season that will affect electricity by gathering information through the SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) Irradiation value storage, Energy, Wind, Ambient Temperature, Module Tenperture.
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