His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen Sirikit engaged to shape. Array resources when July 19, b.e. 2492 and Devil's Nicklaus, Watson in Bangkok by the throne at amphrotthan subsequently, he handled 2493 April 28 ceremonial coronation with a King, Queen's. Array resources at the Palace King Sri sawarin Tijuana flat activity, ratchathewi. A thousand Buddha aiyika, the owner of material can. Inside the pool, indulge in the Wang ceremonial coronation, this. Has graciously pleased to establish the King the Queen Sirikit soamsawali kitiyakara is made up of the Queen Sirikit.
His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen Sirikit engaged to shape. Array resources when July 19, b.e. 2492 and Devil's Nicklaus, Watson in Bangkok by the throne at amphrotthan subsequently, he handled 2493 April 28 ceremonial coronation with a King, Queen's. Array resources at the Palace King Sri sawarin Tijuana flat activity, ratchathewi. A thousand Buddha aiyika, the owner of material can. Inside the pool, indulge in the Wang ceremonial coronation, this. Has graciously pleased to establish the King the Queen Sirikit soamsawali kitiyakara is made up of the Queen Sirikit.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej, Queen Sirikit engaged to shape. Array resources when July 19, be 2492 and Devil's Nicklaus, Watson in Bangkok by the throne at amphrotthan subsequently, he handled 2493 April 28 ceremonial coronation with a King, Queen's. Array resources at the Palace King Sri sawarin Tijuana flat activity, ratchathewi. A thousand Buddha aiyika, the owner of material can. Inside the pool, indulge in the Wang ceremonial coronation, this. Has graciously pleased to establish the King the Queen Sirikit soamsawali kitiyakara is made up of the Queen Sirikit.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej Queen Sirikit, engaged to shape. Array resources when, July 19 b.e. 2492 and Devil s. " Nicklaus Watson in, Bangkok by the throne at amphrotthan subsequently he handled, 2493 April 28 ceremonial coronation with. A King Queen ", s. Array resources at the Palace King Sri sawarin Tijuana, flat activity ratchathewi. A thousand, Buddha aiyika. The owner of material can. Inside, the pool indulge in the Wang, ceremonial coronation this. Has graciously pleased to establish. The King the Queen Sirikit soamsawali kitiyakara is made up of the Queen Sirikit.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..