Green vegetables, fruits Bus is a green substance chlorophyll. And there are other compounds that are healthy, such as Lutein is an antioxidant. Cancer And reduce the degeneration of the retina, for example, fruits and vegetables in this group include Cantonese Cha cabbage, kale, spinach, broccoli, apple, green melon, guava, custard apple, jujube Makakngm avocado green apples, green grapes. Etc.,
fruits, vegetables, white or brown. Contains Lavonia Patapsco many kinds. The antioxidants Anti-inflammatory Reduce the proliferation of cancer cells. Reduce knee pain It is found in meat and mangosteen. White flesh dragon fruit, guava, apple and other fruit such as bananas, rambutan, lychee, jujube fruit Lagsad as
fruits, vegetables, yellow or orange. It contains beta carotene, flavones carotenoids, vitamin C and antioxidants. Anti-inflammatory and immune system. Help prevent and reduce the risk of cancer. Stimulate the body to eliminate cancer cells. Helps maintain healthy cardiovascular and immune system within the body. Fruits, vegetables, corn, carrots, squash in this group include jackfruit, banana, cantaloupe, yellow, orange, pineapple, papaya, apricots, etc.,
fruits, vegetables, red or pink. Lycopene is a substance in the group and Betalain which are antioxidants. Reduces the risk of developing cancer. Especially prostate cancer in men. Nourish the heart and blood vessels That the amount of bad cholesterol (LDL) in the blood and maintain the urinary tract. It is found in vegetables, fruits, Roselle. Pink flesh dragon fruit, watermelon pink, red, cherry tomatoes, papaya Takhop red meat head beetroot, onions, strawberries, apples, plantains, etc. แe
vegetables, fruit, purple, red or purple, or blue. It is rich in substance Anthony Saiyan. (Anthocyanin) and a group Polyphenol antioxidants. Help slow down the degeneration of cells Prevent damage by ultra-violet radiation. Protects cells from cancer cell salvage bad. Improves the elasticity of the artery walls. Reduce fat clots in the arteries and cardiovascular dysfunction. Inhibits E. coli in the digestive tract that can cause diarrhea. Anti-virus And reduce inflammation These include fruits, vegetables Cabbage purple glutinous rice, red rice, onyx syzygium malaccense pink, red beans, black beans, red potatoes it purple eggplant, red onion pea water that cockles ball Wa balls where prunes, blueberries, blackberries, blueberries, cranberries, grapes, red. purple grapes, etc.
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