First, the patient is in the wind.As the wind and the Sun Because the brain has too much blood to feed, which is probably because in the middle of the Sun too long, or alcohol use while hot air supply, etc. Symptoms of face and eyes merge head thirsty nausea, vomiting and shortness, light skin pulse beats and hot drying face. If it's a little more pain and consciousness.First aid methods.1. send the patient to the nearest shade.2. the patient has already raised head, lie higher than the trunk.3. do not allow ammonia or cardiac stimulant because it will encourage more blood to feed the brain.4. extend the patient's clothing, loose so that the blood circulation.5. when the patient is awake and very cool body, remove the fabric cover, wrapped in warm and hot drinks, beverages, so that warm the body.6. If the patient is not conscious to deliver the hospital ASAP.
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