The history of Easter (History of the Holidays: Easter)Holy day of Easter in the Christian calendar, is celebrated the resurrection of Jesus, miracles, this is associated with the colorful rabbits and eggs. The answer hidden in the rituals and customs that succession came as hundreds of evil age people.As recorded in the new testament Jesus and the Ambassador of the Embassy (The Apostle) to travel to the city of Jerusalem-Passover (Jerusalem) to the ceremony, which is a holy festival of the Jews, to commemorate the Hebrew people had been freed from slavery. After dinner in the Passover ceremony, Jesus is arrested and referred to the current date if Friday (Good Friday), how Jesus was on the cross of Calvary, but only two days from the resurrection tank.The first group of Jewish people as people started to celebrate this resurrection. Expected by may as part of the Passover Festival. Celebrate Easter was originally known as Pascha, which comes from the word "Pasach which means that a Jewish Passover.Originally celebrated Easter on the second day, next day, Passover, so it may be a day one week, but wherever in the match Wednesday, Easter will feel odd is. In 325 the Emperor Constantine (Constantine) of the Roman Empire and Nicaea, (The Council of Nicaea) decided that Easter should always match Sunday, which is the date that Jesus Christ resurrection. Easter, which corresponds to Sunday, it will be the first Sunday. Full moon after the Spring Equinox day, which may be anywhere between March 22-April 25. In this same range. Christians began to celebrate the Festival, another charge is first register. There is a charge to candles Pasqual (Paschal Candle), a candle flame to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus as the light shine out in the dark.While Christianity has spread out across Europe. The original charge is based on the belief of some that the Kenting blended with Christian beliefs. Actually expect the word Easter (Easter), may come from the name of an agricultural Festival ettra (Eastra) designed for the agricultural Festival of spring and fertility. This brings us to the Easter eggs (Easter Egg)The egg is a symbol of birth, based on the belief in the legend for thousands of years. Christians are expected to obtain the egg as part of the Easter traditions during the 13th century egg yolk in the shell is a symbol of Christ's appearance from the side of the hole, the funeral, and dyed red eggs Shell to replace blood that Christ on the cross must be lost.Not for a long time. Colorful Easter eggs, there was a tradition of its own, and it is my favorite tradition is the tradition of the Easter egg roll, e (Egg Rolling) in 1876, Congress issued a rule prohibiting children from playing games in this area of the Council so that the President's head, it's b.s. thoefod rat turned the lawn of the White House, the children have come into play. After that, the annual White House Easter Egg Roll tradition (The White House Easter Egg Roll) became a regular tradition that occurs every year.Easter laeokratai jump comes as part of the Festival? The rabbit is a symbol of life, unaware that a new birth, based on the belief of a page-oriented for a long time. During the 16th century began to tell parents that if their children themselves, the children are good kids. The Easter Bunny will lay their eggs at home, children, colorful, they will nest in the House to lure bunnies into. This is the origin of the tradition of Easter Egg Hunt (Ester Egg Hunt) and a basket of Easter eggs (Easter Basket).Easter baskets to help the children filled to full. Locksmith laet in Europe to find the shock during the era of the 19th century, began to produce shock laet oval find out. This dessert is popular around the world and the people in the current use of thousands of million dollars annually to buy sweets for Easter.Easter is a day of celebration that Christians can Rapture the resurrection of Jesus. Just two thousand years ago, this new traditions is appended into a lot. Some religious traditions, and it is a tradition for some fun but it is also every Easter, the family gathered to celebrate the arrival of spring. The new season of life occurred after a cold winter's evening.
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