Introduction1.1 origin and importance of the project This group made the project directory that things that are around. A ratio that is beautiful. Permanent make up ideas, analyze how to artificial flowers that are beautiful and perfect as possible. Faculty who are interested in working together to study and knowledge of the subject (the Golden ratio), the golden ratio, or phenotypes (Phi) applied in this humid because of the way the Board of origin showed that Phi. Role as a cornerstone to the nature. People, animals, plants or even atoms which have the proportion corresponding to the ratio of Phi 1. Amazing, listed a number of natural Phi in there too that is a mistake, as if the figures until the Phi was created by God until the mathematician Luca Pacioli had Italian names compiled textbooks up book The Devine Proportion (ratio ส่ว.'Ll find at heaven), which is related to Phi. specifically, until today, has discovered that the Phi to related to the nature and the very things such as science, art, architecture, and symbols in the industry, such as music, Egypt, pineapple spiral pyramid, black hole, Super.Nova (supernova), and string theory, etc. examples of things that are related to such Phi rectangle that appears on the face and different parts of the NA-which is the most famous figure drawn up by one of the world's Leonardo da Vinci ' is true, the video Manchester ' Robin. (The Vitruvian Man) is the most famous painting of Leonardo da Vinci as da Vinci image to define the mathematical proportions of the human body by da Vinci brought Phi, in set proportions of the body until the drawing of a human male with perfect shape and have the most accurate proportions, etc. Mission to make everything work. The flowers of gold using mathematical knowledge in the golden ratio, and the shape geometry. In order to expand the development of knowledge and concepts applied to apply here.1.2 the purpose of the study 1.2.1 to gold ratio to adjust the application of geometry to be used as a component in the flowers.1.2.2 to study nature and the golden ratio applied in everyday life.1.3 scope of the study. In mathematics, the subject of flowers gold project Mission to make use of knowledge from academic research. The story.Fibonacci Golden Ratio Phi rectangle and circle.1.4 the study period. November 1 through February 201.5 benefits expected to be received.1. how to accessorize the buildings and places.2. can apply knowledge of mathematics and the applied arts.3. training of creativity in the design of various ruprangdokmai.
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