Note: # 120 (blue) Blue/Purple (purple) # 060/Red (red) # 010. (All patterns will be available in 3 colors and color code all the same). Velvet fabric, a customer can follow a customer, but you'll need to order a minimum of 700 yards up to hurt?
Note: Blue (Blue) # 120 / Purple (purple) # 060 / Red (red) # 010 (all three colors and stripes are all the same color code) *** striped velvet. Customers can follow the customer. You have to order a minimum of 700 yards or more away.
Note: Blue (blue) # 120 / Purple (purple) # 060 / Red (red), # 010(every pattern is 3 color and color code all the same).* * * striped velvet, customers can follow customers, but you must order minimum 700 yards up.