SWOT ANALYSIS ตัวเองS = STRENGTH หมายถึง จุดแข็งW= WEAKNESSหมายถึง จุด การแปล - SWOT ANALYSIS ตัวเองS = STRENGTH หมายถึง จุดแข็งW= WEAKNESSหมายถึง จุด อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด



S = STRENGTH หมายถึง จุดแข็ง

W= WEAKNESSหมายถึง จุดอ่อน

O= OPPORTUNITY หมายถึง โอกาศ

T= THREATหมายถึง อุปสรรค์



2.ตั้งเป้าหมายอย่างชัดเจน มีจุดยืนที่มั่นคง


4.เด็ดเดี่ยว ไม่ท้อแท้

5.กล้าได้กล้าเสีย แก้ปัญหาเก่ง ไม่ตื่นตกใจง่าย


7.สร้างจุดสนใจได้ดีเสมอ สร้างความประทับใจให้กับทุกคน

8.สุขุมเยือกเย็น ไม่เคยทำอะไรสะเพร่า


1.ต่อต้านกฎเกณฑ์อย่างจริงจัง จนบางครั้งก้าวร้าว


3.ไม่แสดงความคิดเห็นของตน แต่เก็บเกี่ยวความคิดของผู้อื่น

4.ชอบเสี่ยง ทั้งที่ไม่มีความมั่นใจเลย


6.ไม่ชอบแสดงออกทางอารมณ์ แม้แต่จะทำสิ่งที่ดีๆให้กับคนที่ตนรัก


8.ชอบคิด ชอบวางแผน แต่ไม่ชอบลงมือทำ









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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
swot analysis itself

s = strength to strength

w = weakness to weakness

o = opportunity means a chance

t = threat means.

Hurdles strengths first. Has not a friend to everyone

2. Goals clearly. Has firmly

3.Initiative to put moth

4. Purposeful. Do not be discouraged,

5. Enterprising solution I do not panic easily

6. Tact

7. Creating focus has always Impressed with everyone

8.Calm. Never do anything reckless weakness

1. Resistance rules seriously.

And sometimes aggressive. 2 down to one simple

3. Opinions of their own. But harvesting the ideas of others

4. Risk aversion.

I have no confidence at all.Five. Did not put up with people who think their nonsense

6. Did not like emotional expression. Even to do something good for the people they love

. 7 high expectations for is attractive and acceptable to the people around you

8. Prefer to think like a plan, but do not like doing

1.Learn more

2. Known senior work we studied

3. Been working with social

4.'ve Worked hard to make us fight for life

5. Families as we. opportunities in education increased barrier

1.The words of other people thought that feels a lack of confidence as a minority

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

S = STRENGTH means

W = strengths WEAKNESS means weakness

O = OPPORTUNITY means o = T

Kat THREAT means difficulty

strengths: 1. There is a friend to everyone, do not select the target area is clearly 2

. Has a stable stand point

3.The creative initiative never extinguish Maud

4 conviction. 5.

not despondency. Good solution is not easy to end

6. time and place unknown 7. creating good point. Impress everyone

8.Cool chill never do anything be so careless.

1. weaknesses against the rules seriously so aggressive at times


is not an easy one... don't display their opinions. But to harvest the ideas of others, like all risk

4. There is no confidence at all

.5. do not put up with someone that they think they don't like it

6. Sara virtuoso. Even a good thing to do to the people they love

7. expect to be high, and is accepted by others

8. like the idea. Like the plan, but he doesn't like to do

opportunities 1.Have a higher class, known as the elder version 2.


we studied 3. worked in cooperation with the society

4. worked hard to make us recognize the fight for life

5. family as we have an opportunity in the growing education

obstacles 1.Collect other people's words and think a lot, feel lack of confidence appears to have bad

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

= STRENGTH means strengths weaknesses W=WEAKNESS means


T=THREAT means obstacles. strengths

1. There is no choice, and a friend to everyone

2. Set a target position is clearly a solid

3.Creativity never goes out a moth

4. firm is not discouraging

5. recklessly solve the problem is not very good at it's easy frightened

6. know-timed

7. Create points of interest are always good to create the impression that everyone

8.calmly don't do careless vulnerability

1. Anti-rules seriously until some time offensive

2. No, it was simply

3. Do not express the opinions of their harvest, but the idea of the other

4. Like the risk that there is no confidence,

5. Do not stand and the men that they think that what matters

6. Do not like to be out of the emotional and even that which is good, and the men that love their

7. high expectations with a charming man and a people around the acceptance of

8. Thinking like planning, but did not like it

1 opportunities.Learn more high-

2. I know that the model that we study is

3. I have worked with social

4. I worked hard to make it known to fight with our lives

5. households, we have the opportunity to increase their education

hazard 1.Keep words of others, and think that it makes it feel like there is an inferiority complex lack of confidence

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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