Thanks to @boxwedding for the team events in our dreams lol thanks @oat_chaiyasith shooting, chap; Thanks to the beautiful bridal gown by @amitabridal thanks @napolycat's band, music is very special, @puretopure sheep @bayfridoy and @boydkosiyabong for details on our sisters and friends school high school University reached working age and your work with love and friendship, beauty, I very happy lol. Thank you for your books from us sword-@sonoson. Thanks to my father and mother both of our families for everything. Thanks to the blessings and encouragement from everyone in the g icon in the standard phase specified in tatoe khanon. I have always secretly read lol. HaeAnd the most important task today thanks to the bride accepts both the advantages and disadvantages of hair to handle gently beside each other through #newstampwedding.
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