Just 13 of the main text1. We believe in God, the eternal, and in his business, his son, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.2. We believe that men will be punished because of their sins, and not for Adam's abuse.3. We believe that through Christ's humanity, reparation, the States parties without, by obedience to the rules and all the ritual worship of the Gospel.4. We believe that the principles of Justice and religious ceremony at the beginning of the Gospel are: first, faith in the Lord. Jesus Christ; two; three, repentance, baptism by water, both for the remission of sins, loosen the four; to gift of the Holy Spirit.5. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the power to let go, to teach the Gospel and religious order, the ceremony of the Gospel.6. We believe in putting regulations in existence as a church from early, that is, the Apostles, prophets, pastors, teachers, the good news publishers, and so on.7. We believe in the gift of speaking the language, proof, disclosure, omen, treatment, translation, and so on.8. We believe that the Bible is the word of God, as long as properly interpreted; we believe that the Bible, God's Word onpen activity ... God.9. We believe all that God has revealed, all that he has revealed now, and we believe that he will also reveal many great and important matters concerning the Kingdom of God.10. We believe in integration, Israel's concrete and in back of the ten tribes; that of Simon (the new Jerusalem) will be built in North America; that Christ will rule the Earth with himself; and, that the Earth will return to original condition and is designed for Visual illumination sukasem mueangoprom.11. we claim the privilege of worshipping the Lamb of God ritthanu the diagnosis from our own conscience, and allow all men the same privilege is, let them worship how, where, or at the place of anything that they worship.12. We believe in the King's mandate, President, guardian, and the State Government Department, in obedience, praised, and legal support.13. We believe in being honest, pure, uncompromising man, have mercy, there's virtue, and in doing good to all men; by then, we could say that's true, we follow the advice of Paul-we believe all things, we hope all things, we stand, then many things, and hope to be able to stand it all. If there is anything that is a virtue, beauty, famous or known good or worth the praise, we seek these things.
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