Imperialism in Asia, which presented in this article on the at the same place called the East Indian archipelago, of Western Europe. Imperialism in Asia began in the 19th century, 15The early modern warfare to the area, which at that time called far east when the early century 16 age of navigation extended the influence of Western Europe and the development of the spice trade under colonialism.Until officially ends when the Timor-Leste Which is the last of the Portuguese Empire, the colony gained independence in C.Professor 2002 Empire brought national and state multi national concept western This article tries to summarize the development of the concept of the nation-state of the West
.Thrust of political power. Commerce and culture of Europe in Asia make commodity more and more. Which is the important development and bring about the free market economy modern in 16 century. "The discovery of sea route to India round the Cape of good hope. The influence of the Dutch East India company competition which followed. The influence of the Portuguese in Asia gradually disappear.(the most important is the Batavia, which was the headquarters of the Dutch East India Company of Fort camp tight) and then between. C.Prof.1640 to 1660 Dutch for trade with Melaka Ceylon pose some South Indian and Japanese with much profit from Portugal, and Britain and France established the settlement in India and established trade with China and to British and French will gradually.Overtook the Dutch after cold war in C.Professor 1763 England get rid of influence of France in India and the establishment of the British East India Company เป็นอำนาจ politics is the most important thing in the Indian subcontinent
.Before the industrial revolution in the mid to late 19th-century 19 demand for goods east the shell cup machine silk, spices and tea. Is also the force behind the domination of Europe.Except (by rule of British East India Company in India), but the industry increasing demand of Europe to the material from Asia. The recession and long (Long Depression) of the supervision 1870.America, Eastern Europe, and especially in Asia, usurping this coincides with the modern colonial expansion world called "Neo imperialism".During the decades 1870 until World War I begins in C.Prof.1914 Britain, France and the Netherlands. Which is your stable colonies in Asia. Append the vast territory of the Middle East. The Indian subcontinent, Southeast Asia and into their empire. In the same time.The German Empire after the Franco-Prussian War ends in C.Professor 1871 Russian Empire. And the United States after the Spanish-American War in 1975. 1898 birth a territory in East Asia along the Pacific Fleet
.In Asia, World War I and World War II battle is between you าณา settlement many lives. Such conflicts are related to European nation to Russia. And the United States and Japan, which are prominent, butEven though the nationalist political autonomy in the colonial world colony brings almost all remained in Asia. Release the colony was the cold war prevented. Southeast Asia and South Asia.Financial and military great powers compete expand the influence, however, the economic development after the war fast of East Asian economic tigers Indian, Chinese, as well as the collapse of the Soviet Union.The observation of the Indian and Chinese modern may origins as a superpower of the new world.
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