RitualPrior to the date of tonsure, there will be a place for sacred ceremony decor. Prepare holy water pots, cloth, white lotus leaves, grass-green, razor, scissors, put experts and beginners, hatch is already preparing to bridge, monk (a monk) in the morning and evening prayer ceremony for me. When dressing ceremony, beautiful as a child, and then let the kids go to the tonsure ceremony places. By providing children with the warrant to prevent the demons that would hurt. Bring the children to listen to his side in prayer. When the prayer ends it lobbed the hot water Cold water. Khranphra back gauge, then raising people who listen to God prayer.In the morning, the monks came to my morning. When dressing the children successfully brought forward sitting Buddha By removing the hatch green placed ahead of children. Bring a white cloth on a bridge, and then paste the sourced Lotus Leaf onto a white cloth. Put ya phraek, in the middle of a Lotus Leaf placed behind his. The times of prayer to the article if chayan extensions, potwi, waving it to God to circumcise khare stopper immediately. Then it is an adult relative or father of the child who is the hair shaved off and then savage children into holy water ceremony. I was skinny then put lotus leaf and floated in a river before floating it pray for happiness, thou shalt have a child.
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