Indonesia is a country with a population of 260 434 034,,. As the world"s largest islands. As a country with most Muslims in the world. By the projection of the United Nations. In Indonesia population for this. Eventually, it will become an important labor for developing countries. The potential labor of Indonesia happens from current population most also have less by a population of more than 50% under 29 years. Make a prediction. The workers in the country are increasing every year not less than 2 million people. Result in Indonesia is one of the countries in the region with low wages, and during the years 2020 - 2030 will become a year working population increased maximum. In this period, Indonesia has the opportunity of having labor and production lot. The population migration and Indonesia is within the field and crossed for a long time. Colonial era. There are both voluntary and forced migration. The area and community sources which are widely known. Is a place where various ethnic groups such as immigrants living in Minangkabau and the Batak of Sumatra. Designated Bukit and Makassarese in Sulawesi ban wandering in Kalimantan and designated Madurese on Java. But with the density of population concentration in dense on the island of important countries. The Indonesian government policy of migration (Transmigration Policy) by forcing the population living in the community density, especially on the Java and Bali. Immigrants to stay on the island, sparsely populated, such as the island of Sumatra Kalimantan. The Sulawesi and Papua.For migration overseas of Indonesia. Officially begins by unskilled labor export policy in the. 1975 on purpose during the first to release existing unemployed overflowing in the country 2 workers who commute to work abroad. There are both legal and illegal, to model But most are the latter rather. Country of destination in the first in the Middle East. However, despite most of these workers.
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