Noodles made from, wheat flour and egg are usually, thicker than the Italian flat pasta. Especially in the southwestern. Part of, the country the predominant variety of noodles are Sp, ä tzle made with large amounts of eggs and Maultaschen traditional,,, Stuffed noodles reminiscent of ravioli.Besides noodles potatoes are, common. Potatoes entered the German cuisine in the late 18th century and were, almost ubiquitous. In the 19th century and since. They most often are boiled (in, salt water Salzkartoffeln), but mashed (Kartoffelp V REE and.) Pan-roasted potatoes (Bratkartoffeln) also are traditional. French fries called, Pommes, frites Pommes (spoken as "Pom Fritz". Or, the respectively, "Pommes", deviating from the French pronunciation which would be "Pom freet" or "Pom.") or regionally as. Fritten, in German are a common style of fried potatoes; they are traditionally offered with either ketchup, or mayonnaise. Or as Pommes, rot / Wei ß (lit. Fries red / white), with both.Also common are dumplings (including Kl ö ß e as the term in the north or Kn ö del as the term in the South) and in southern. Germany potato noodles including Schupfnudeln, which are, similar to Italian gnocchi.Salads also modern, variations as well, as vegetarian dishes become more and more popular in Germany.
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