'I can', 't help her the doctor said.' She is very sad. She doesn 't want to live. Someone must make her happy again. What. Is she interested in? '
' She ',' s an artist Sue replied. 'She wants to paint a picture of the Bay of Naples.' 'Painting!' Said the doctor. 'That won' t help her! 'The doctor left the apartment.
Sue went into her own room and she cried quietly. For a few minutes.Then she picked up her drawing board and some pencils. She started to sing a happy song and walked into Johnsy 'room, s. Johnsy lay silently in her bed. Her face was thin and white. She was looking towards the window.
'Johnsy asleep is, Sue.' Thought. She stopped singing and she sat down in a corner of the room. Then she started to draw a picture for a, magazine. Suddenly.Sue heard a quiet sound. She went quickly to the side of the bed. Johnsy 's eyes were open. She was looking out of the window. And she was speaking quietly.
'Twelve,' Johnsy said. A little later she said, 'eleven'. Then she said 'Ten'. 'nine, Then'. And then she said 'eight' and 'seven' almost together. She was counting backwards. What was Johnsy looking at? What was. She counting?
.Sue looked out of the window. Outside, the window Sue saw the brick wall of the next house. An old vine grew against the. Wall. There were very few leaves on its branches.
'Six,' Johnsy said. 'They' re falling faster. Three days ago there was,, Almost a hundred. Ah there goes, another! There are only five now. '
' Five? What are you, talking about Johnsy? 'Sue asked.
Please.' Tell me. '
.'There are only five leaves on the vine now,' said Johnsy. The last leaf will fall soon and then I 'll die. Didn t the doctor.' Tell you about the leaves? '
' Don 't say that! You' re not going to die! 'Sue said.' You 're going to get better. The doctor. Told me that this morning. I 'll bring you some soup and I' ll draw my picture. The magazine will pay me quickly.Then I 'll buy us some nice food.'
Johnsy was still looking at the vine. 'There are only four leaves now,' she said. 'I. Don 't want any soup. The last leaf will fall soon.'
', Johnsy dear,' Sue said. 'Please close your eyes and go to, sleep. I have to finish this drawing by tomorrow. And I don 't want you to look at those leaves any more.' Johnsy closed her eyes.'But I want to watch the last leaf,' she said again. 'It will fall soon. The leaves are tired. I' m tired too. I want to. Die. '
' Please try to sleep, 'Sue said.' I 'm going to talk to Behrman for a minute. I must have a model for my, drawing. Behrman will be my model. '
Old Behrman lived downstairs. He was also, an artist but he had never painted a good picture.He was sad about this and he was angry about it too.
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