How to recognize side up b
ancient sees dark color space, which is filled with holes-bat check on the Moon is rupkratai. The 2 images we can use rupkratai on the moon can help wane up side note as follows:
.15 lunar day (Full Moon): the Moon is on the opposite of the Sun, we see the Sun during the full moon. At the horizon the East approximately 6: 00 p.m.
Waning Moon (Waning Moon): because the Moon takes 29 1 khotronop around the world.5 working days, we will see the moon rise, about 50 minutes later each day, or 12 degrees, so we see the Moon in the evening before sunset and saw a rabbit head. Some slice of the Moon up until dark the whole moon for b 15 hours
.15 day night (New Moon): the Moon is between the Sun and Earth, we see the dark shadow of the moon. The moon will rise and fall with the sun up above
(Waxing Moon): We will see the Moon at dawn before the Sun and didn't see the rabbit head. A Crescent of the Moon is the full moon lighting until thick in the Lunar.
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