ลิ้นสามารถแบ่งได้ 5 ส่วน คือ tip, blade, front, back, root Interdaental [th] -Tongue between the teeth -In English, the interdental consonats are also all fricatives.
The tongue can be organized into 5 sections: tip, blade, front, back, root. Interdaental [th] -Tongue between the teeth -In English, the interdental consonats are also all fricatives.
Tongue can be divided into five parts: Tip, blade, Front, back, root. Interdaental [th] -Tongue between The teeth -In English, The interdental Consonats are also all Fricatives.
The tongue can be divided 5 parts is tip blade front,,,, back root [] - Interdaental th Tongue between the teeth - In, English. The interdental consonats are also all fricatives. .