Control of those subordinates to comply with standard ISO and HACCP, GMP, including security, including the principles of the company's rules and regulations for prevention of accidents risk on the job. Waste water treatment process to be efficient, not exceeding the value of the standard reports, including problems or obstacles to the bosses know of support necessary to perform tasks to employees, including incentives to people to sum nut subordinates to perform their duties to the fullest.Prepare a report on the results of an analysis of a sample of wastewater (BOD, COD, pH, TDS) and KPI Department brought forward;Control to perform the machine maintenance plan and a plan to clean up.Improvement made to reduce costs within the Department.Task tracking and action with all the punishment according to the regulations in the case of an offense.Evaluation of an employee's work under bosses, according to a specific period of time.Other duties as assigned by supervisor
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