Circulation circulation
..........As a transportation system in the body by a message food, oxygen, water, and other useful things to every cell in the body. The waste to parts with a duty to drive out of the body.The blood or blood is type of tissue function conveyor nutrients in the body, which consists of the blood plasma with the liquid crystal. A colorless
.Blood circulation of blood 1
... - transporting oxygen and carbon dioxide
....... Transporting food through digestion and from the small intestine. To the cell body
.......- transporting wastes from cells to tissues, organs, such as transporting carbon dioxide to ปอด
....... The antibody to transport substances against pathogens
....... Control of body temperature constant
.......Endocrine hormones - conveyor to the target organ
the blood contains
.......... the haemolymph (plasma) is a part of all the blood liquid A light yellow, quite clear, 55% of the volume of blood volume blood
..........45% of the volume of blood volume. The cells contain
... 1. Red blood cells (erythrocyte or red blood corpuscle)
... 2. White blood cells (leucocyte. White blood corpuscle)
... 3. Platelets (platelet or thrombocyte)
..........A flat, round, a biconcave (biconcave) in diameter 7 - 8 micron, aged approximately 100 - 120 days. The red pigment of breathing (respiratory pigment) called hemoglobin (white blood cells haemoglobin)
..........There are different sizes and shapes. Normal is bigger than the cells almost 2 times, no color, because there is no hemoglobin (haemoglobin) but that no cell nucleus. Haemoglobin.White blood cells are short-lived, about 2 - 14 day (some might have 100 - 300 day) is caught and eaten a surrounding pathogen phagocytosis (phagocytosis). And may the antibody (antibody) out against and destroy
..........Due to a piece of cytoplasm large cell (name Megakaryocytes bone) that break from each other and หลุดเข้าสู่ blood vessels. No nucleus, have a definite shape. An approximately 3 - 4 days only duty is to help the blood clotting.Clotting) by creating a binary ROM Bo plastic tin (tromboplastin).
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