Study results showed that the production of ethanol and compared using corn-charcoal, kamman is a catalytic. Is to accelerate the reduction of the pipeline and the rate of increase of the percentage of ethanol in the fermentation production is higher than the other way. By fermentation for 7-volume percent ethanol, don't wait too long to study the chemical properties of 11.1 solution that ethanol from fermentation. I found that the quantity of sugar dissolved substances from reducing corn-fermentation. Aqueous solution with yeast and corn San solution with yeast, corn-based charcoal kamman is a catalytic. Is reduced by the fermentation in 1 day and 7 day decline equal to 3.97, 3.53, 3.64 mg/ml, respectively. The quantity of acid-soluble compounds from fermentation-click the corn with the yeast by using.Kamman charcoal as catalytic value is higher than the other types of fermentation. Throughout the duration of the fermentation process The quantity in the dissolved substance ethanol ethanol that is derived from fermentation. I found that fermentation yeast slurry with corn-5339 Saccharomyses TISTR c. using.Charcoal, kamman is a catalytic and producing corn ethanol with yeast TISTR c. Saccharomyses-5339. There are more than 11% of the quantity of ethanol, which is higher than the production of ethanol from corn-pH study and density of slurry that ethanol from fermentation. I found that fermentation solution-corn is equal to 4.40, 1.0547 aqueous solution.-Corn with yeast Is equal to 4.28, 1.0298 and aqueous solution with corn, yeast, yeast-Saccharomyses c. TISTR 5339 using charcoal, kamman is a catalytic? With a value of 4.25 g/ml 1.0103, a study of ethanol distillation that have been distilled from the fermented 3 found that the temperature of 76-78 C. The ethanol concentration is equal to 91.4 per cent by volume. And density g/cm3 is equal to quality education 0.824 fuel from ethanol that is produced. E10 E20, and oil was found to have equal density 0.7385, 0.7584 g/ml. specific gravity equal to 57.18, 55.97 deg. flow of oil pour point and is equal to-6 C 2 and C , respectively. Corrosion test result sheet copper of E10 and E20 gasoline temperature 50 C temperatures, C and 100. I found that there is no change.
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