Forest fires since 2000 acres in the Umphang wildlife sanctuary.
Wild fires in wildlife Tak province
News reports from the Thai-Myanmar border County House district Umphang wildlife preserve contact County wildlife conservation thung Yai naresuan has formed a group that smoke from the front of the Office of the thung Yai naresuan, East side. The mother, mosquito nets A.Umphang district in Tak province, Umphang, about away from the 40 km due a fire to spread in the county boundaries between zones. , The nets and the nature reserves in the area, Umphang wildlife House, mobile services ... 2,0 acres by the wildfire that occurred this time, wild animals to flee together chalawan. Enormous impact if it cannot extract or fire this time FIFA
. At the same time have caused wildfire area in DOI tohn. Myanmar and burns eventually arrived in the area, Nong Luang. Area of the Thai border opposite Myanmar. Cause smog veil all around the area, the agro. Nong Luang and tambon Umphang Unable to see clearly in the distance 200 m
Source for news from the members of the Council of Administration (administrative.Umphang district) of Tak province, said the Wildfire situation in the area now have eventually cause damage to forests, both in the area of nature reserves and wildlife House smog blanketed across the area, Umphang district. Now start affecting children in the area. Onset of illness, with respiratory disease, which they understand that part comes from air pollution occurs, so that now there are solutions officials and volunteers to extinguish a wildfire. Because of the uncertainty, as well as the materials and equipment to the fire and the amount of budget and personnel. Unable to control the wildfire in the area effectively. Because now the people who live in the area began to be affected by the occurrence of wildfire in the area
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