Hello, ladies and gentlemen, for yourMy name is .......... My nickname is ......... I'm 19 year old. My birth Day is 15 February 1998I will talk about my impression in my school day. My topic "best Friends".I live Here 6 years if compared to the total time to book so much, I already considered life LOL love friendship. Experience and a good opportunity also come painful memories since coming to m 6 must disperse ไปาม bargain does not own. My school is a school for boys are a reasonable source is considered to be Royal district mixed mixed sources, I was happy for each interval that meet my friend and teacher, but it is a memory that I miss when Hai ร้. Have to smile all the time?Dude, I'm 6 years old known. He was a good friend to me during the first month. There will be a story but also argue keep adjusting and we always have. I would love to play with each other every day by BAA after school. It's fun, it makes me want to play BA sathuk day. Some days we were in holiday appearances, a day that BA played lumpini Park. I have been with this friend makes me feel much better. At present, I was still finding time to play BA., even by the University. Sometimes I have problems or we can choose to consult each other and to help each other solve problems. I never thought to recruit friends and a school. But, he said, we played just for fun. Don't matter at all. It's tired. I had never had a player of the school.Today, I spoke to a very nice-looking khwat that it made my life.What a lot of comments that have been for the good they do not know when it will come back to us again! แที่ I have is keeping House in a wonderful feeling and it took a long time, and forever.
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