The Kyoto protocol.In fact, all over the world are aware of the global warming issue since the 2535. That is "protocol Tokyo grow" (Kyoto Protocal to the. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change) is the legal measures of foreign countries together With the legal goal to cope with global warming (Global Warming) by a protocol to the history of climate change of the United Nations and the world 2535 approved in 2540 at Kyoto. Japan by open to each nation signed affirmation during the 16 March 2541 until 15 March 2542.The agreement in the protocol of this effective official on 16 February 2548 which any nation ratified the protocol. To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide, various steam ozone, methane, nitrous oxide, and CFCs. The ultimate aim is the 2551-2555 to reduce greenhouse gas emissions around the world down about 5.2% class released in 2533 but not if the cooperation. The earth temperature of global warming? Polar ice is melted gradually, make the seas rise. Believe that if the water sea rise about 1 meters. Will flood the land. El Nino phenomenon and cause, and La Nino including natural disasters to happen again. Whether it is a tropical cyclone, drought, fire, etc.The first protocol is unsuccessful. Because of Russia, which is the country"s 17% emissions of greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Also won"t let ratification. But when Russia signed the ratification on 18 November 2547 all over the world are beginning to see success by all 127 countries. Signed, ratified The country still hasn"t signed affirmation is 2 national industry giant, America and Australia. Especially America is the country that greenhouse gas emissions in the world. And America"s withdrawal from the Kyoto Protocol in 2544 by citing the reason that the unfair treaty industrialized because of the cost.
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