2.4 Research related to the ability to write
Porntip. The Chaiya Worawong (2527: 164) has examined the ability of students in English, 3, has been practicing writing by dictation. Cole doing the exercises And exercises at the end of the lesson, students are taught to write by doing exercises Cole has the ability to write in English than students who were taught dictation. Significance level of .05. The students are taught dictation and students who have been taught a lesson by doing the exercises. And students who have been practicing drawing Cole comparisons with students who have been trained by the exercises at the end the lesson with the ability to write different with no statistical significance level of .05.
Sasitorn Zhang Sai (2531: 76). The effects of activities on the English writing skills achievement. 6th grade students with high achievement results
appear. Achievement in Writing in English after training activities than before training activities, skills, English is a statistically significant level. 01
scholar with a good well (2531: 87) also compared the ability. reading, writing, and remember what they read in academic English. Grade 5, the focus has been teaching and coaching experience to guide a group of 60 people Colonze. Bangkok The results showed that Students are taught oriented language experience, and students who were taught by the teacher. Have the ability to read and write English at a different level of statistical significance. 01, and the students are taught oriented language experience, and students who were taught by the teacher. Have to remember what they read in English different level of statistical significance. 0.05
The literature and related research shows that students who have been taught to practice writing in a different way to have the ability to write and have higher achievement by 3. Documents and research related to exercise 3.1. The meaning of the exercise Sub Onyx Leo Diamond (2527: 7) has the meaning of a practice that. The practice of creating conditions to practice reviewing things I learned in an hour, so a knowledge of it. It also helps to check their understanding. And various bug fixes ascendancy Pongsupat (2530: 11) says, referring to the exercise or activity, the teacher assigned students to do a review of knowledge that allows students to learn the skills and skill development. Which can be taken to solve the problem , Angel Food Federation and others (2532: 102) has said that the exercises are created to enhance understanding. And some extra content to help students practice. And knowledge to be accurate dynamic equations Sintura medical Ys (2524: 106) says that the exercise is to focus on practical experience. To be able to perform it until it automatically. Steps to teach, it often begins by saying. Or to view a sample Then the students to follow and practice it until you remember. And thus automatically by means of such an exercise is concluded that the media stimuli or events that should be created in order for the students to practice skills. To review the content knowledge of teachers already. The knowledge can be used to automatically correct for precise maneuverability, so it is useful to learners. It also helps students with learning disabilities fix trained by the training that teachers create.
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