Thai children take classes in most of the world. Summary of the study of Thai words be slashing that as a "track single late stenosis". Children, both countries like running on the treadmill that compete on academic excellenceAt the end of the track the stenosis. Most children have fallen out of defeat, Lu is only people win. This condition degrades quality of life of all the children, if today if the didn't change, move forward!Considering the information of the UNESCO shows the number of hours to years of students at age 9 - 13 years in each country. Will find
Thai children studying the 2 in age level, 9 years 1 080 hours per year
Thai children study hard is a 1 at age 10 years, 1200 hours per year
Thai children studying the 1 in age level, 11 years 1 200 hours per year
Thai children studying the 5 in age level, 12 years 1 167 hours per year
Thai children studying the 8 in age level, 13 years 1 167 hours per year
.A number of other countries has the following interesting (child 11 years)
ranks 2 Indonesia 1 176 hours per year,
อันดับ 3, Philippine 1 067 hours per year
ranks 4 India 1 051 hours per year, ranking 11 Malaysia 964 hours per year
.The 19 Germany 862 hours per year
ranks 28 China 771 hours per year
ranks 30 Japan 761 hours per year
these numbers count only. "The time in the school." only, does not include the time class time
.It is noteworthy that the time spent in the compulsory education of the children didn't change much from me the things to the school. While some countries give high school). (as can be seen from the top of that decline).Or even the youths in countries. "It is believed that" study hard than we like China or Japan, it has less class hours as well
.The cause of Thai children learn a lot. But the rate is lower than it should be as follows:
1. Thai children study too hard, causing the stress and close ดกั้น creativity of children
2.Effective instruction in school is not enough. Due to many reasons. The number of students per classroom too much. There is too much homework activities at school too. Because our instruction.Each teacher subject will look at, but the content of his teaching. The class strictly. Ordered home to students in every subject. Make students learn a lot to do my homework.Teachers teachers have no knowledge enough ability to teach their children. The children have to learn the increase in tutor To appreciate the teaching and learning to understand than
.3. Lack of government policy change frequently.
4. Lack of quality control 5
.Education is in business more and more become products. Relationship between teachers and students is missing. Impact of life and culture is pretty good but with traditional
6.The problem about the exam tests frequently change, or change the passive. This is because The Institute of educational testing has said that since the years lately.There are also problems test error, which frequently happens
.7.G-PAX is not everything. Tests on the child does not consider real quality, seen from the fact that the G-PAX as elements of one admission exam to enter university. It is found that the results G-PAX increased every year.3. Because schools want their kids to get into university
.8.The majority of students stuck with the original fixed educational system A life cycle to schoolchildren. Some people do not learn what I like. The skill beyond the classroom. Some students are really capable.But can't work because adjacent to the education of education and the value of the grade just numbers.Line art language and will be better. Have a job which is not correct!9.Another problem is that there is no unresolved promotion seriously, or pay attention to the success of students.Entertainment technology
.10. Parents have no time to take care of their children. Thai children and our need to take classes with very much, have very little time with mom and dad. No opportunity to consult. Stories, vent pressure
11.Peer pressure to make the child stress
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