I ship your item to you already would have been approximately day 23-September 26 2013.( The estimated delivery date is September 27 - October 11, Amazon is the set) Thanks. Good luck. Amazon เป็นผู้กำหนด
i ship your item to you already would have been approximately day 23-september 26 2013. (the estimated delivery date is september 27 - october 11, amazon is the set) thanks. good luck. amazon is given.
I ship your item to you already would have been approximately 26 23-September day 2013 (The estimated delivery date is 27 September-11 October, Amazon is the set) Thanks. Good luck .-Amazon as makers.
I ship your item to you already would have been approximately 23 day - 26 September 2013. (The September estimated delivery date is 27 - 11 October, Amazon is the set), Thanks. Good luck. Amazon is a set