1.5% Transaction% decrease was found that decreased from 3 channels 1. and 2. iBanking ATM due to cancellation fees instead of customers since 7/1/2016 would change to payment via AIS Shop and Telewiz, mPay, Kiosk instead.
% Transaction decreased 1.5% decrease from the third channel is 1. iBanking 2. ATM and the company canceled the fees for customers. Date: 7/1/2016 customers to pay via Telewiz, AIS Shop, mPay and the Kiosk.
% Transaction reduced 1.5% found that fell from 3 channel is 1. IBanking 2. ATM and because the company cancels pay fees for customers. Since the day 1 / 7 / 2016 customers can change payment via,, and Telewiz AIS Shop mPay Kiosk instead.