Hello my friend ฉันดีใจและขอบคุณสำหรับข้อความของคุณที่คุณเขียนถึงฉัน.ฉ การแปล - Hello my friend ฉันดีใจและขอบคุณสำหรับข้อความของคุณที่คุณเขียนถึงฉัน.ฉ อังกฤษ วิธีการพูด

Hello my friend ฉันดีใจและขอบคุณสำห

Hello my friend
คุณคือคนเดียวกันกับAlex Millerที่ส่งข้อความถึงฉันในวันที่2/7/2556 ใช่ไหม.


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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]
hello my friend
I'm glad and grateful for your message you write to me I'm happy that we can be friends
and I was willing to make our friendship better than this if you will answer your questions.
I'm going to ask you
.You are the same person with alex. miller sent a message to me on 07.02.2556. Shows.
If yes, why did you change your name, and also cover your face, and more importantly, you can contact
.Come back to me again when I am not in contact with you in time past. Could you tell me know
to your subject with this please.
Ago No I do not like you, so do not touch. with you.But I can see that your age is less
than me, I'm so afraid that you lied to me and did not like my reality, so I backed away from you.
I hope you are not angry with me because I like men. very sincere and I fear that
.You will not be honest with me: I want you to tell these stories, I have to know why you had to change your name?
I also want to be good friends with you if you are sincere to me

Please tell me you know.I still love you and miss you all the time

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]
Hello my friend
I'm glad and thank you for your message that you wrote to me. I am pleased that we will be friends, and I am well
willing to build our friendship, even better than this. If you would answer my question I will ask you
. You are the same people that Alex Miller to send messages to me on 2/7/2556 (2013) Yes if yes, why? ..,
so you can change your name, and also turn off bangbai front of you and you can contact
.Come back to me again, that I do not have contact with you in time ago. could you please tell, I know about your issues with it
. In the past, not I don't like, so you don't keep in touch with you again.But I have seen that your age it less
than me, I fear that you are lying to me, and not like I'm actually I fall away from you.
. I hope you are not angry I just because I want a guy that good and sincere, so I fear that
.You are not sincere with me
. I want you to tell these stories, I have to know why you need to change your name?
I still want to be friends with you if you are sincere, I

. Please tell me know
I still love you and think about you all the time

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]
My friend Hello
I'm glad and thank you for your message that you write to me. I'm glad that we will be as a friend,
and I am willing to build our friendship, better than this one. If you will answer my questions. I
you will be asked.
You are the same man Alex Miller send the message to me in the day of 7/2/2556?.
if yes, why do you change your name and also your face mask and you can contact
Come back to me again, that I do not have time to contact you in the past. You tell me, I know the story of your harvest
with this. Please.
the past no, I do not like you, it is not to contact you Ajarnbut I can see that your life was less
more than I, so I was afraid that you would lie to me and I didn't like it so I went away from you.
I hope that you will not be angry with me, because I want a good man and sincere so I was afraid that
You will not be honest with me
I want to let you tell the story of these, I know why you have to change your name?
I also wanted to be a good friend to you if you are sincere with me

please tell me, I know.I still like you and think of you always ING

การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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