Hello Sir,I'm back home now and we're making arrangements of it neighbors.Of course, I would hug and kiss you at the airport and we will be there for you. I-Kang loop costs here, because I have no money, you will be very difficult to come to meet me. I want you to meet my father and my brothers, cousins and I will keep the tailings Regina PA to visit, and the attractions of this puzzling pipe dinner then back to relax. After a long journey to come to me. I certainly don't let you stay here alone. I'll stay with you. I-Kang loop costs it like I will not help you enough supply.:( I am very concerned about this. I want you to come back, but I can't help you as much as it should be. My relatives Tell me how scared I was scam, but I trust you are confident you and I love you.I am confident that you will not be disappointed by. Sir, I want to hug you a lot in writing the email because of various concerns loton. We will discover together. I am very excited and if you love me, and love me enough, we can get married?I'm waiting for you and will give you a hug naen on first day we met. I have no words, nothing better than. I love you and trust you.Now I want to kiss and hug you!Okay I need to bathe and prepare to relax the lock,Hopefully we will get to meet and do you love me like I love you.There are days that are good for you and for me, just you, it's a good day for me always.Hugs and kissesMy little bear.
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