Instant Messaging system, [1] or the IMDB (English: instant messaging, IM) is a system to send messages between two people or groups of people in the same network such as messaging via the Internet by programs that are running may be called a Messenger (English: messenger).The work of an instant messaging system, the need to use the ensof ware. By software systems that make a connection to the Messenger service. To send messages through instant messaging systems in the first era. Each letter printing appears on the screen of the person who sent the message with it immediately. At the same time. To delete individual letters will delete the message immediately, unlike the current instant messaging system. By the information that appears to happen after it is agreed, and then resend the message. Currently, Messenger, the popular AOL Instant Messenger MSN WeChat LINE include Messenger Yahoo Google Talk Messenger .NET Messenger Service!, Jabber, and ICQ.
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