Experimental 2. 1. Materials Wheat starch with a purity of 87% and composed of 25% amy-lose according to the manufacturer data was kindly supplied by Roquette, with an original moisture content of 12 wt.% determined by gravimetric method.
Experimental 2.1. MaterialsWheat starch with a purity of 87% and composed of 25% amy-lose according to the manufacturer data was kindly supplied by Roquette, with an original moisture content of 12 wt.% determined by gravimetric method.
Experimental 2. 1. Materials Wheat starch with a purity of 87% and composed of 25% according to the manufacturer Amy-Lose Data was kindly supplied by Roquette, with an Original Moisture content of 12 WT.% Determined by gravimetric method.