Throughout the period 44 years ago. ASEAN's cooperation. The frame cooperation to create strong. Members of the security, including security, economy, society and culture, and in 2002.2558 guidelines towards ASEAN ASEAN completely under the slogan is "one vision, one identity". (One Vision One Identity,,One Community) by focusing on the 3 community is ASEAN political-security community (ASEAN Political Security Community:? APSC) the ASEAN Economic Community (ASEAN Economic Community: AEC) and ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community. : ASCC)
.By the 1 March 2552 ASEAN leaders endorse Cha-Am Hua Hin Declaration on the ASEAN Community Plan (AD2009-2015) to ASEAN community within a year 2558 which ASEAN community consists of pillars 3 pole, following
1.ASEAN political-security community (ASEAN Security Community - ASC) intended to countries in the region to peaceful coexistence system resolve conflict. Between each other well, stable slowdown.. to ensure public safety and stable
.2.The ASEAN Economic Community (ASEAN Economic Community - AEC) the gathering economic. Accommodation and trade between each other. Which will make the region is to prosper. And can compete with other regions.The
.The free circulation of goods, services, investment, capital, the development of the economy. And the reduction of poverty and social inequality within a year 2020
make ASEAN market and production base (single market and. Production base)
.To provide assistance to the new ASEAN member to reduce the gap of development and help these countries participate in the process of ASEAN economic integration
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