Forest Park is located at Ban Pang in salt water, Moo 4, Tambon Sai Uttaradit Province within Forest Park is a mixed deciduous forest, deciduous forest, on the hill, and a mountainous but not so steep
There is the beginning of a large park, etc. Teak grown in the world today. Perennials is also available at 1.30 meters from the ground up tree trunks, 9.85 meters (measured when October 13 , 2525 ), which is about 47 meters around, no less than 1,500 years
The area around a large tree with a teak tree, a small, mixed deciduous forest, with teak wood surrounding
Then visit the natural forest area Forest Park forest in general good condition. consist of deciduous forest wood wooden nest trees, just try a component, and mixed deciduous forest
which includes a wood Pterocarpus macrocarpus, Afzelia xylocarpa red forest appears as the natural high and low hills, switch to a beautiful scenery.
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