Dear Teacher.KK
Hello my name is Sarocha Rattanamaneechot. My nickname is Ning. I am 17 years old. I am from Arunvithaya. School Prachuab, Khirikhan. I write this letter for getting a scholarship and I will tell you why I suitable get a, scholarship. I was so proud that I usually be the one who be agent for an English competition.
When I was in, Grade 7I got a gold medal in the Multi skills competition and when I went to the bigger competition in Ayutthaya I got the bronze. Medal.
I think English is very important in this day. We use English to contract each other. If I get, this scholarship. I will study harder than this day. I will not let this scholarship be wasteful. I will make it be more valuable as best. As I can do.I have always wanted to be a doctor. Some people think that being a doctor you do not need English but for me I think English. Is important to, every career English can help us to contract to other and for, doctor English help them be easier when. Find the medicine and when they read a label so that why I want to get the scholarship. Thank you very much for reading. This, letterHope you will give me a scholarship and hope you can help many people by giving a scholarship thanks again.
_, Sincerely _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Sarocha. Rattanamaneechot
Arunvithaya School M.5 / 1.
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