Christmas time, "it is the word that English Transliterated Christmas came from ancient English word that Christes Maesse translated, "an offering of the LORD, and, "which first in ancient documents in the English language in the year.In 1038 and now this word may change, as the word Christmas
or X Mas Christmas Festival' match on December 25 of every year, on December 25, the day Jesus Christ was born of the prophets of Christianity, he was born in town of เบ็ธ intensely and growth, and the city was recordedAccording to the evidence in the Bible that Jesus Christ shall be saved. He was born in the days of the Emperor Caesar on Jacuzzi, four of the Roman Empire, he said, Be numbered throughout the land, through ยคี นิอัสBut in the Bible does not indicate what day or month Jesus was born
the historian, he is of the opinion that it is the analysis that were originally on December 25 is the day that the Emperor Napoleon and the Roman, Assistant Governor for a day birthday solar angel from last year.274 the Romans, most gods celebrate this day as if it is a day of celebration to the Emperor in the Emperor, because it was like the sun, the light of the Christian life of man, but in the Roman they have turned to celebrate the nativity of Jesus, like the light of the world and, like the moon is the light in the middle of the night instead of after the Christian is controlled freedom of religion since.of 64 - 313 to 25 December last year. Prof. Christian began Christmas officially and openly
Christmas holidays. So it is a day of celebration of the birth date of Jesus Christ and is a celebration of the love of God, there is the human world by sending his son, Jesus Christ." It was born as a human being to help you sinTherefore, on this day it is important that day meaning Christians worldwide, and has sent the cards of gift-giving, as well as furnished and decorated their houses, with the lights and Christmas trees.
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