Recommendation The amount of sodium recommend consume less than 2,000 mg/day (or 600 mg/meal) If you eat these menu, you will get 580.32 mg/meal That mean you can REDUCE sodium 29.02% per meal
Recommendation The amount of sodium recommend consume less than 2,000 mg/day (or 600 mg/meal) If you eat these menu, you will get 580.32 mg/meal That mean you can REDUCE sodium 29.02% per meal
Recommendation The amount of Sodium recommend Consume less than 2,000 mg / Day (or 600 mg / Meal) If You Eat these menu, You Will Get 580.32 mg / Meal That You Can REDUCE mean 29.02% Sodium Per Meal.
Recommendation The amount of sodium recommend consume less, than 2 000 mg / day (or 600 mg / meal) If you eat, these menu you. Will get 580.32 mg / meal That mean you can REDUCE sodium 29.02% per meal .