The great wall of China (Chinese abbreviation: chang cheng chang cheng Chinese: fully;; Phin in: Chángchéng Shangcheng, English: Great Wall of China) is the only criticism I have is that the wall separating the Fort of ancient Chinese walls, most of which appear in the current generated in the Qin dynasty. This is to prevent the invaders from their tribes or Hans sayong rats (Xiongnu), the term is sometimes spelled nu sayong timber rat or a rat suang arch with Chinese civilization in the modern era from the main Zhou dynasty (c. 400 years before Christ), because they had invaded China along the frontier hotel.Nganuea on wong Hsin has ordered tens of thousands of refugees created by the border wall to protect them and their invasion into mice sayong Turks from the North. After that, the wall has been created several times by another, but later had a strange tribes from Mongolia and Manchuria to invade their great wall of China successfully.The great wall of China is still called the wall ten thousand li (China, wan li chang cheng: abbreviation; China cheng li chang fully pin; 萬: in: Wànlĭ Chángchéng Aloe Li Chang Cheng), the Office of the national culture in nganmondok, China, June 6, 2012 announced that archaeologists have been measuring the length of the building from the humans, the largest in the world, or "the great wall of China" is the official exclusive long 5 years from 2008-2012, and found that the longer than originally recorded only 2 or 21, originally from 196.18 8850 kilometers covering an area of 15 county across the country. [1] it is one of the seven wonders of the medieval world. There is believed to be a Chinese city if you look from outer space will be able to see the great wall of China, which in reality is not visible from space.
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