History of nine สุภั สสร do
history nine สุภั สสร. Bank
nickname: Nine
first name - surname: a light, the bank
day month year of birth: 29 April. 2538
height: 163 cm
A:: 39 kg weightFaculty of economics, the inter University
style of dress: want to do it แต่งใส่ in whatever but one place to me
boy / girl ideal:See, shipping, will be a darker skin. But not black. Have a character of its own. A prominent nose. High. But don't ask for much higher than us. Because we have so little haha
talking about yourself 3 questions:Nine is โก๊ะๆ. Ah, clumsy, often. People insane haha
nine สุภั สสร: get to know the girl lose clear "nine สุภั สสร. Bank. "Or sprite. สาวน้อยหน้าใส of series Hormones ages upset
dramatic works: nine สุภั สสร do
.The venerable public adventure
Hormones ages distracted, playing the role of a sprite
works MV Music: nine สุภั สสร do
don't even know more to do of pop. ปองกูล
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..