We will see the strengths in each country in the AEC that have strengths? That is to invest to build a profit but Each country will have different strengths.
Cambodia, including natural resources and abundant, especially water, forest and mineral species
.Thailand: there are many jobs. The location is the center of network connection transportation users is the base of production goods industries and agricultural products a variety of the world's major
.Brunei: average income per person / per year in the first 2 of ASEAN and the rank of the world, is 26 oil exporter and a quantity of oil reserve rank 4 of ASEAN
.Myanmar: a natural resources, oil and natural gas, lot, border linking China and India
.Philippines: a large population of the world top 12 labor general knowledge, can communicate in English
.Malaysia: the estimated oil reserves was ranked at 3. And natural gas was ranked second in Asia Pacific. Infrastructure system, comprehensive, and skilled workers
.Laos: the politics stability. There are abundant natural resources, especially water and mineral species, including มีประชา
Vietnam as a power, lot number 14 of the world. The coastline is longer, 3 200 km
.Singapore: average income per person / per year, the highest of ASEAN and the top of the world. 15 center of international finance. There are conducive to the maritime center
.Indonesia: has the most population of the world, and the largest 4 most in Southeast Asia, the Muslims in the world. There are natural resources, variety and the lot, especially coal, oil, and natural gas.
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