One day, little deer, tragulus pygmocus want to cross the river is full of hungry crocodiles who thirst. The crocodile, with little to eat, meditate on the same deer, tragulus pygmocus. Little deer, tragulus pygmocus seek ways to cross the River was one of the rare deer, tragulus pygmocus told the crocodile says "If you want to eat me. Tragulus pygmocus Noi told the crocodile says "If you want to eat, I want to sort one column!"One of the crocodiles were asked back:" then why we need to do so, "he said." I just want to test the patience of God, they were! And more importantly, I don't want to feed the crocodiles that weak reply tragulus pygmocus "faces challenges. It does not contain any crocodile would be the most vulnerable; All crocodiles, so follow the directions of the little deer, tragulus pygmocus. One essays per row same length from one side of the River to the other side. During that hectic crocodile per row. One at a time so far across the river. Let the alligator struck entirely mechanical dazed and angry. This subject is taught to know that even though the leader onaekwa was able to overcome the strong players than with intelligence
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