That was especially so for Yu Xia, Xue Dong, Qiu and Zhu. After the various events that happened before when they, personally. Saw Chu Feng with his, own strength not only, turn a risky situation into a safe one and even, shaming an existence like. Temple, head Wuya making it so he would be questioned by, the crowd they started to admire Chu Feng more and more. Even. Though Chu Feng "s current cultivation was far weaker, than theirs they still saw how Chu Feng wasn" t a simple person at. All. At least even they, didn "t have such a bearing."Junior Wuqing do not, act rash! If you cannot enter the Martial Marking Immortal Realm who will, save Lady Yan Ruyu?" But at that moment Jiang Wanshi ", s expression changed greatly. On the side she secretly, tugged Chu Feng s sleeve and advised." Him to not do such a thing via mental messaging.However Chu Feng, simply paid no attention to Jiang Wanshi and continued asking Zhu Diguang, "What? You don "t dare?!""DIGUANG!" At that instant Temple Head, Wuya was enraged. He had no choice but to howl at Zhu Diguang who was standing. Still and staring at the scene in a bit of a blank manner.It was because at that, very instant Chu Feng wasn "t provoking Zhu Diguang but Temple, Head Wuya. If Zhu, Diguang refused. He wasn "t losing his own face but his, master s.""Eh..."Only after hearing his master "s howl did Zhu Diguang gradually come to his senses. To be truthful he was, really a bit. Scared. After all he had, heard that Chu Feng grasped special methods that enabled him to solve the Map, of Unpredictability. Which even his elder brother could not solve. So he subconsciously, felt that Chu Feng was not simple. At least he was,, Different than an ordinary rank one Martial Lord.If he could choose he would, have definitely chosen to refuse. However while being, threatened by his master he dared,, Not to back away. So preparing, said, himself he to Chu Feng, "If you want to fight then let ", s fight! How, could I Zhu. Diguang be afraid, of you? "* * Immediately whoosh after Zhu Diguang, finished speaking a strong gale arose from the location Chu Feng was at and looking,, At where he stood after the wind subsided he had, disappeared. He was standing in the sky that was full, of stars directing. His finger at Zhu, Diguang below and said, "Please give me pointers.""Hmph." Even though Zhu Diguang had no confidence when provoked by Chu Feng, like that he still decided to give it his. All to fight in a fit of rage. After a, cold snort he rose into the air.At the, same time not only did he emanate his aura of a rank two, Martial Lord he even activated an extremely powerful. Martial skill.* Huu Huu Huu *.The martial skill formed by Martial power became fireballs that flooded the air. Flames surged about and shot into the. Night sky akin to, a meteor shower flying backwards. Not only was it dazzling and eye-grabbing and lit up the, night sky. It even had an extraordinary might and contained terrifying power."Such powerful techniques... He can actually use a martial skill like this in such a situation. Truly as expected, of one. Of Temple Head Wuya "s proudest disciples. "Seeing that martial skill those in, the same generation praised endlessly. Even. Senior experts nodded faintly.But in comparison to the observers who were purely watching for, Wu fun Chun, Yu Xia, Zhu Qiu, Xue and Dong, Jiang Wanshi. Lightly knitted their brows and broke out in a cold sweat for Chu Feng. They could tell that Zhu Diguang s strike was not. " A simple one - it was a rank eight martial skill!
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