Biography of Albert EinsteinReal name Albert Einstein (English)Albert Kross ไอน์ช Stein (German) Born March 14, b.e. 2422Ulm district Wuettaem Prefecture, country-Germany. Died April 18, b.e. 2498Principal cities, stunned. New Jersey country United States Job-career mathematician, physicist German nationality (2422-2439 and 2457-2476).Cantons (2444-2498)The Americans (b.e. 2483-2498) Ethnic German Jew. Lawmaker Max Ph.d. University of Zurich The Nobel Prize in physics honours year 2464 Einstein, born March 14 1879-1965 the city of Ulm country Germany. Einstein is German but it's Jewish ancestry with. In Einstein's is the owner of a chemical shop selling engine and named Herman Einstein (Einstein Herman), when Einstein was one year old his father had moved to the city of Munich, which most people in the city are the Jews the same as him. He has trouble with the neighbors, Einstein is a sober and not necessarily like to play with my friends in the same-age until the father understands that he is stupid, so they've hired a teacher to teach special Einstein home, particularly speech, although his speech is better, but.He is still sober, and not go out to play with friends. When Einstein was five years old his father has sent into the school gymnasium (Gymnasium) students. In this school, all Germans and Christian. The Roman Catholic Church, Einstein went to friends, but what he didn't like in most schools is to teach the tedious. Remember that a large part of which is the way he hates most. Make the Einstein and don't want to go to school and mothers and find ways to solve the problem by giving him Einstein learning the violin and the piano instead of Einstein, the most attention is the math, especially geometry, is his favorite subjects, subjects the most. Make him abandon the other subjects except music and other courses. Although math scores. He was always going to be a teacher, always blame. Later, Einstein, age 15 years old, his father's factory parties worsened because the company produced electrical equipment and many chemicals. Making his father's factory cannot sell products. His family moved to Milan city (Milan) Italy (Italy), but Einstein didn't move as well, because the students, but with his family. After another six months he planned doctors certificate if he suffers a nervous disease, so he has come to her parents that Italy. When that happens, so Einstein family travel to Milan, but before his departure, he requested a certificate of education to study in another school. Later, Einstein entrance examination in mathematics and physics at the Zurich Polytechnic College (Federal Poleytechnic of Zurich) country Switzerland. Einstein Mathematics examination rated very good. Section of biology and language were very poor. Make the. He has not been selected to attend this College. For one week, he had received a letter from the headteacher, colleges, Polytechnic has invited him to find and recommend he go to study to get a ศนีย card which can enter colleges, Polytechnic without examination. After that, he attended University of Switzerland by 1 year course during this time, he was living with one of the teachers who teach in the school. This modern relativity to feel like this since college, teaching is not mandatory and is not too limited. Instructional approach is to encourage students to learn by their own abilities. Additionally, the learning environment is also very good because good is available from. A classroom specifically for each subject, such as classroom geography, it has an image map. Various locations, both domestically and internationally by hanging around the room. Chemical laboratory equipment to test it with modern science. In addition, the school also has a lot of students. Einstein did not feel that there is a Jewish complexes that anymore. After his graduation at secondary school, 1 year of school at the Einstein College. Techniques in physics and mathematics, as intended. หลังจากจบการศึกษาแล้ว ไอน์สไตน์ได้สมัครเข้าทำงานในตำแหน่งผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ที่มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งเมืองซูริค แต่ได้รับ การปฏิเสธโดยไม่มีเหตุอันเหมาะสม และด้วยความเห็นใจจากศาสตราจารย์ในมหาวิทยาลัยซูริคได้ออกใบรับรองผลการศึกษาให้เข้า จากนั้นไอน์สไตน์ได้เริ่มออกหางานทำจากประกาศตามหน้าหนังสือพิมพ์ซึ่งมีประกาศรับอาจารย์หลายแห่ง ไอน์สไตน์ได้เข้ารับการ สัมภาษณ์ แต่ปรากฏว่าไม่มีสถาบันแห่งใดรับเขาเข้าทำงานเลยแม้แต่สักที่เดียว ไอน์สไตน์เข้าใจว่าอาจจะเป็นเพราะเขาเป็นชาวยิว ดังนั้นในปี ค.ศ.1901 ไอน์สไตน์ได้โอนสัญชาติเป็นชาวสวิตเซอร์แลนด์ แต่ถึงอย่างนั้นก็ไม่สามารถทำให้เขาหางานทำได้อยู่ดี ในที่สุดไอน์สไตน์ก็ได้งานทำเป็นครูในโรงเรียนมัธยมแห่งหนึ่ง แต่ทำอยู่ได้เพียงไม่กี่เดือนก็ถูกไล่ออก จากนั้นไอน์สไตน์จึงรับจ้างเป็น ครูสอนพิเศษตามบ้าน แต่ก็ทำได้ไม่นานก็ถูกพ่อแม่ของเด็กเลิกจ้าง เนื่องจากไอน์สไตน์ได้แสดงความผิดเห็นว่าไม่ควรให้เด็กไปเรียน ที่โรงเรียนอีก เนื่องจากครูที่โรงเรียนสอนคณิตศาสตร์ในแบบผิด ๆ ซึ่งแตกต่างจากสิ่งที่ไอน์สไตน์สอน แม้ว่าเด็ก ๆ จะรักและชอบ วิธีการสอนของเขาก็ตาม ไอน์สไตน์ก็ยังถุดไล่ออกอยู่ดี Later, in 1882, 1902 Einstein was one old friends leave the job at the patent registration office, Bern. Although Einstein is not like that much, but their income is £ 250 per year, which makes his life is better and has a chance encounter with a strange invention. In between, where Einstein was working here. He takes part to the innovators of things as well. The first invention of Einstein is a tool to measure the electricity saved. In the year 1903 Einstein marry Miyako Lake WA Mari old friends at University City high school ACE.
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