For the weather in berne in berne in temperatures
date 24 August 2014 until August 30 August 24 date 2014 2014
with temperatures up to 19 degrees Celsius and the minimum temperatures 6° c weather sunny
.Date: 25 August 2014 with maximum temperatures 24° c and the minimum temperature is 3° c
weather. A chance of rain occurred 26 August 2014 date
with maximum temperatures of 23° c and the minimum temperature is 13° c
.Weather rain
date 27 August 2014 has the highest temperatures 25° c and the minimum temperature is 13° c cloudy weather a little bit
.Date: 28 August 2014 has a maximum temperature 22° c and the minimum temperature is 10° c cloudy weather
date 29 August 2014 with maximum temperatures of 20° c and the minimum temperature is 8° c
.Weather cloudy, there are at least 30 days
temperatures up to 20° c and the minimum temperature is 8° c cloudy weather
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