2.4. Production of electricity and heat (cogeneration)<br>Fig. 3 shows the flowsheet of this process from flux 12, the first part<br>being the same as on Fig. 1. The thermodynamic cycle selected for the<br>production of electricity is a simple cycle consisting of a compressor, a<br>combustor and a gas turbine. As previous systems, pressurization,<br>compression and turbine are simulated with an isentropic efficiency of<br>90%. Air (flux 11) is compressed at the same pressure than the separator outlet (flux 12). Preheating of the air and gas mixture is performed at 120 °C if necessary. In the combustion chamber, all the gas is<br>completely oxidised to CO2 and water. A second specification is performed on the air supply to set the oxygen level to a normalized value of
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